Coventry, CT: (860) 498-0736
Panama City Beach, FL: (850) 851-9294
Coventry, CT: (860) 498-0736
Panama City Beach, FL: (850) 851-9294
TheBizTechs is a solution-based company committed to integrity and honesty. Through the years you may have seen other companies taking advantage of the fact the customer may not know anything about a computer and charging them obscene amounts of money to get them back up and running.
“Working with TheBizTechs has been a pleasure from start to finish. My firm was in need of a complete network overhaul, and Paul’s unparalleled experience made a big undertaking quick and easy, without interfering with our workflow. His rates are fair, his work is top notch, and he is an honest and trustworthy person. I would absolutely recommend Paul to colleagues and friends in need of an efficient and a highly competent IT professional. We’ve retained his services on an ongoing basis for managing our network.”
Looking for a new equipment can be time consuming and very costly. Contact us today to see what we have in stock and how we can help !
“Over the past 19 years TheBiztechs has managed our full network system consisting of 5 locations in 3 states with over 100 networked devices. He has taken us through two conversions and two full upgrades and has met or exceeded all of our demands and expectations including keeping costs under budget. His timeliness and knowledge base are beyond reproach. Another benefit of working with him is that he is a true joy to work with, not only in my mind but also my staff and other consultants who have worked on projects with him. I would definitely recommend Paul and have done so numerous times .”